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Tag Archives | productivity


An easy practice to invoke Heart and avoid busyness

One of the issues with talk about productivity is that it’s usually not in the same conversation as your Vision. Likewise, when there’s talk about Vision, people usually don’t want to get into the decidedly un-sexy topic of productivity. Big Mistake They need to be linked in order to continue to get the juicy inspiration […]


Cultivate your biz for a stellar 2015

Within a couple of years of moving to Nevada City in 2004, I had cleared the prickly holly bush and a volunteer liquid amber sapling from a bed in my front yard. Envious of my neighbor’s beautiful front yard vegetable gardens, I made mental notes of what I’d plant in mine. Tomatoes and eggplant were […]


More than muscle: essential benefits you get from exercise

Last week sucked—it was straight up emotionally rough. My August housing fell through after I’d completely packed up from the last place. Then, my bikes fell off my car. Two of them. On the highway. At 65 miles an hour. Now, I’m staying with my sister’s family in Los Altos. Talking with my bro-in-law yesterday […]


Video: ToDo List Strategies to Get More Done

Today’s video gets at your ToDo List–is it giving you the evil eye? Is there an item (…or three) that’s been on there waaaay too long? Shed those feelings of guilt or dread… let’s switch mindsets to see what’s really going on so you can start crossing items off with glee. You can watch the […]


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