Guest post by Kathy Frey In my life formerly known as urban (Pittsburgh, Boston and Chicago to be specific), cushion time wasn’t something that entered my consciousness–it was an innate component of unpredictable public transportation. I built commuting time into my day so I could arrive to work on time whether trains were fast or […]
Tag Archives | mindfulness
[10] From Playa to Business: 3 guiding principles to thrive in life
The scene: Burningman, the radical self expression festival that converges in an empty expanse of Nevada each year. In this episode of the Authentic Success podcast, I share 3 guiding principles + real world experience of putting them into action. I spell out the concrete takeaways so you can: feel more momentum in your life […]
Video: From reactive to proactive with the 3-minute “Think Thru” session
Today’s video is a time management tip that reduces chaos in your life. Just 3 minutes can save you a world of panic so you can put your energy where it needs to be: on your important work. You can watch the video here, or read the transcript below: (more…)
Video: Energy Boost – Breathing for Sustained Focus
In my drive from Seattle back to home base in California, I listened to Tripp Lanier’s interview with Tony Schwartz on Tripp’s New Man podcast. (Me? No, I’m not a “New Man”.) The following video (shot at some random exit off of Highway 5) was inspired by that conversation. Before the video, I wanted to […]
Video: ToDo List Strategies to Get More Done
Today’s video gets at your ToDo List–is it giving you the evil eye? Is there an item (…or three) that’s been on there waaaay too long? Shed those feelings of guilt or dread… let’s switch mindsets to see what’s really going on so you can start crossing items off with glee. You can watch the […]