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Tag Archives | mindfulness


Flying high, toilets, and hindsight

You know those times when you’ve been feeling really good, flying on a natural high where nothing can touch you? You feel strong and confident. You’re convinced that nothing can shake you down from this Beauty. This Truth that is You. Woohoo! And then… All of a sudden, you feel yourself coming down, falling out […]


How to make tough work easier by managing your energy

You know how to work. That’s not the issue. The issue is bringing forth your best and most important work with the least friction. The path there can be more than a little surprising — and it’s what the New Way is all about. Here’s an example of how shifting my personal energy played a […]

Nancy Shanteau on the Authentic Success Podcast

[12] Nancy Shanteau and the Skills for Change Thought Cleanse

The Body-Mind connection is so fascinating! In this episode of the Authentic Success podcast, Nancy Shanteau, a Skills for Change Coach and Somatic Coach talks about a process she’s developed to deal with the thoughts that otherwise clutter up the mind and bring us down. Whether you think of these thoughts as from the inner […]


An easy practice to invoke Heart and avoid busyness

One of the issues with talk about productivity is that it’s usually not in the same conversation as your Vision. Likewise, when there’s talk about Vision, people usually don’t want to get into the decidedly un-sexy topic of productivity. Big Mistake They need to be linked in order to continue to get the juicy inspiration […]


Wading thru files on your digital desktop? Spring Clean #2

Quick recap of the Spring Clean series: Week 1 — physical office and mind Week 2 — digital landscape (below) Week 3 — physical, outside the office Harmony of your space, your flow, your thoughts… really, this is what we are truly after when we talk about organization. It’s lack of harmony that pushes you […]


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