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Intention Check-in

Sitting down at the computer unclear on WHY or WHAT you are there to do is pretty much going to result in one or more of the following: Screwing around with busywork and not getting anything of import done. Browsing through email that you’ve already looked at 5 times. Getting whisked into the compelling, utterly […]


How tending the fire does your soul good

It’s been 2 weeks since I left Cali and I’m feeling like my spunky self again after mucho traveling. Ya know, singing while walking the dog, writing from a place of spaciousness, feeling ready to step outside my comfort zone with good friend Curiosity at my side. There have been several things to get used […]


[11] Masterminds: Keeping your vision alive

No one gets to the point of living the life of their dreams alone. When I talk with other successful business owners, one common theme is support systems. What does support mean? I’m not talking family and friends here, I mean focused business support that keeps you and your business on track, beyond accountability and […]


Moving to a small town made me late to everything

Guest post by Kathy Frey In my life formerly known as urban (Pittsburgh, Boston and Chicago to be specific), cushion time wasn’t something that entered my consciousness–it was an innate component of unpredictable public transportation. I built commuting time into my day so I could arrive to work on time whether trains were fast or […]


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