Gratitude: sweetner, auto-easifier, fast track to Home.

Gratitude: sweetner, auto-easifier, fast track to Home.
Stress is a habitual pattern. Patterns can be reprogrammed. You *can* make ease an undercurrent of your day.
Today’s words were triggered by an article published on The Daily Beast, entitled: Keith Olbermann And Why the Powerful Self-Destruct on Twitter by Luke O’Neil. The article is about the potentially devastating effects of Twitter rants—specifically to the reputation of high profile people when they get tangled in a fusillade of tweets with trolls or […]
Are you She? She who needs a breather from the pressing mess of too-much that you keep finding yourself in? Your intentions are spot on. It just gets so… tiring sometimes wading through it all, doesn’t it? Oh, my Dear, the world that opens up when you’ve got your units, widgets and digits in order! […]
When you look around your office at all the little post-its and random notes jotted on random pieces of paper, you may well think: “I don’t even have time to deal with that.” It was exactly that thought that found me sitting in my living room, cursing the pillows on my couch. Pillows? Yes! Pillows. […]