Getting ready for the World Domination Summit in Portland includes strategizing on how to keep the peace (in myself). Using the Natural Professional Matrix, in this video I show you an easy-to-use tool to Keep the Peace (in yourself). While I’m talking about peace here, you can use it for purpose, passion and peace!

The Heart in Freedom—Happy Fourth of July
Walking to the cafe this morning, we saw empty chairs lining empty streets in anticipation of the parade that will be passing by later today. There’ll be marching Presidents (American Presidents of days gone by), service clubs, kids, and I don’t know. I’m not so into the parade scene unless it involves major amounts of […]

On Passion, Believing, and Standing Your Ground
You know you’re screwed when you start boring yourself. I was screwed. The words meant to inspire natural professionals were doing nothing for me. How to experience a rich life, a fun life, a Great Life. How to live with purpose, passion and peace… A part of me read those words and said, “Yah yah, […]

Is Professionalism Boring You to Death?
Walking down the street this morning at approximately 8:07 a.m. I saw what looked suspiciously like a flying flour tortilla jet across the street about 10 yards ahead of me. Since I left town a week and a half ago for New York, this has apparently become a dangerous neighborhood. But a tortilla? You ask. […]

Walking the Talk at Blog World
I’m writing you from New York, JFK to be precise. This week is the Blog World Conference and yours truly will be in attendance. There are all kinds of folks here who are “famous” in the blogging world: Chris Brogan and Brian Clark are two who I’m particularly impressed with. Human values-based business are at […]