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Chasing the roots to Sacred Home

Reach your roots deep into the earth, pushing aside rocks, breaking through hard clumps, high-five the earthworms who say ‘Thanks!’ for forging a new way. Keep going deeper. Where are the roots going? They seem to know where they want to go. They seek the Cave of muted light, earthy smells where the cauldron sets […]


Don’t let the Curse of the Tighty Whiteys ruin your day

The morning did not start out well. I wasn’t even out of bed and I could feel it. All wound up and worked up about everything. About nothing. My head was in a tizzy just because. My panties all in a bunch just because. My mind had been hijacked, once again, by prim, narrow-minded, short-sighted, […]


Get unexpected benefits from opening your mouth

Here’s one simple trick to have a more positive effect on others, recover from stressful situations more quickly, have a more positive outlook on life, and… the best part of all, be more attractive to others. Booya! And I won’t charge you $1,200 for it. That’s right, this one’s on me. I’m in Mexico learning […]

Yay for meditation retreat!

Without structure, you’re a blob

Last December I announced that I was going to be joining the ranks of digital nomads exploring the world. (In case digital nomad is a new term for you, it’s basically someone who takes advantage of widespread internet access to stay connected and grow their business with digital tools from anywhere in the world.) After […]

Cardboard bale

Purging and the hazards of recycling cardboard

What all needs to happen in order to rent one’s house out for a year? Especially when you consider that this whole life-shake-up adventure has strong roots in the desire to lighten up, both in spirit as well as in the stuff realm. First of all, you need to clear it out—and isn’t this the […]


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