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Setting up Evernote Web Clipping

Getting Evernote set up on your computer doesn’t automatically mean you’ve got the Web Clipper installed. In my book, clipping websites is the best feature as I love using the program as a bookmarking service on steroids. Not only is it easy to manage your categories of notes, you get the visual benefits of seeing […]


The road to email hell is a slippery slope

Have you been having a rough relationship with your email lately? Maybe you know how you should be dealing with it but are “conveniently” forgetting what you know? You’ve got company–I realized this morning that I’ve been bad. I do my writing in a program called Scrivener. It has a feature called “full screen composition […]


Superman’s secrets—that you can use, too

It’s been a week since the 3rd annual World Domination Summit and I’ve still got warm fuzzies and inspiration keeping me company—like shots of wheatgrass shooting me toward Universal Goodness, Zing! Of the gazillion sparks that happened over the weekend, Darren Rowse’s talk stoked my fire big time. Darren is founder of the uber-successful ProBlogger […]


Have you pleased your inner kid lately?

Some six years ago I was working on an upcoming workshop, and working a lot. The dulling shadow of burn-out was beginning to flirt in my periphery. Talking with my coach at the time, I made mention of feeling tired and not having taken a real break for a while and then continued on whatever […]


The Simplifying Wave Is Cresting

Waiting for yoga at the hostel in San Cristóbal de las Casas last week, I met and spoke with a woman from Switzerland. We share a mutual passion for… guess what? A simplified life—yes! She’s fully on the Voluntary Simplicity path (she didn’t call it that and I didn’t ask her if she was familiar […]


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