The Dichotomy Community — part I Life offers countless opportunities to expand into wholeness. This fascinating cyclical journey from wondrous childhood to painful lessons in adulthood to wondrous awareness (hopefully a while before the end)—such a mysterious and perhaps perilous path. Most of us can point to one, two or a few situations in our […]
Are any of these underlying de-motivators screwing you up?
Email has become a Thorn in Our Side. It’s big. It’s ugly. It’s a Beast. It not what we think. Here’s what we believe about our email problem: too many emails not enough time can’t get caught up always responding to other people’s priorities Those aren’t problems, they are symptoms. The real problem with email […]

The Not-to-miss Annihilate Email Agony Course
Is email driving you nuts? If you relate to these email experiences… You’re sacrificing fun time or staying up late trying to stay afloat in email. The sheer # count of emails in your Inbox make your heart skip a beat (or three). You catch yourself wading through emails looking for important info as if digging […]

Email Triage: An Emergency Remedy
You know how it feels So Good to put your foot down on something that’s been giving you grief? When you finally say, “NO MORE!” and walk away with your head held high? It’s tough. It’s scary. It’s worth it to not get into those situations just so you don’t have to make that kind […]

Getting all Jedi in the Art of the Sweet Spot
I’ve just spent three days in the glass studio with my Beau who’s working on an art piece for Burningman. It’s such a pleasure to experience a master at work—whatever the art. They make it look so easy and graceful–a reflection of upteen hours of practice and an enviable command of their mental terrain. A […]