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Exercise your panty power to get the right stuff done

In the last post “What do your panties say about your goals?” we looked at 4 big reasons for neglecting a project (or goal). After each reason, I listed a few quick planning and motivation remedies to get you back on track with the Right Goals. In this article we’ll look at what you can […]


3 Tips for a smooth Daylight Savings transition

The latest video is on Daylight Savings Time. Namely: when it is, tools for the location independents and anyone who’s got clients or regular calls outside of your timezone, and a mindfulness exercise for anyone who, ya know, kind of bitches and moans about losing an hour (ahem!) You can watch the video here, or […]


What do your panties say about your goals?

For the last 3+ months, I’ve been subsisting on six pairs of panties. Three are travel-practical–they dry super quickly; two are light in color for under light colored clothes; and the sixth is the make-me-feel-like-a-woman pair. Why am I telling you about my, uh, undergarments? Because this base layer of clothing represents one of the […]


How to bring more love into a mundane work session.

Intention: How to give more love to the world through my work today? An easy way to do this is to be in heart-space with people. In terms of work, that would be clients, contractors, etc. But what if I don’t have any clients today? What if today (as the case may be) is dedicated […]


Say Goodbye to Self-Sabotage Demons

You are your own worst enemy. Which sucks because really, you should be your own best friend. You know you should be. And you are. Sometimes. Except when you’re not. Sometimes you even see it in action: the self-limiting thoughts that incessantly swarm in your head like mosquitos on a hot, humid evening driving you […]


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