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Schedule tip: Minimize hot spots in your week

Scenario: At the end of the day, you’re frustrated and wondering “What happened?? You had all of your appointments carefully entered on the calendar, there was plenty of “white space” for the other things you wanted to get done and none of them happened! Where’d all the time go?” What’s typically happening—besides dealing with high-priority […]


[07] Raising your energy: stop the drains first

Have you checked a lot of things off your ToDo list, but your guilt and frustration levels are in the red zone because you’re not getting around to your Creative Work? In this episode of the Authentic Success podcast, it’s just me and you, my friends. I introduce the idea of Energy Management and explain […]


Are breath exercises helpful when freaking out?

If you’re in total Freak Out Mode, your mind is going to trick you into thinking that there’s no point to doing a breathing exercise. In a way, it’s right… exercise is a great way to get rid of excess stress hormones. But what if you’re on your way to an interview, a speaking gig, […]


Drugs, newness, caffeine and the pursuit of Creativity

One of the principles of personal energy management is to be aware of your patterns. For example, I’ve observed strong patterns in myself that cycle like clock work—a monthly clock actually. Yes, the effects of estrogen and progesterone are significant in this girl’s life, thank you very much. Seeing how they affect me, my work […]


[06] Maxima Kahn: Kindling your Creative Spark

Maxima Kahn is an accomplished Creative and “Ambassador of play.” Inviting wonder, curiosity, imagination, and cooperation, Max encourages us to venture beyond the ego to open channels of creativity. In this episode, Maxima Kahn reveals her 3 P’s which are the key to inspiration and getting in the flow–inviting more moments of deep engagement where […]


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