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More than muscle: essential benefits you get from exercise

Last week sucked—it was straight up emotionally rough. My August housing fell through after I’d completely packed up from the last place. Then, my bikes fell off my car. Two of them. On the highway. At 65 miles an hour. Now, I’m staying with my sister’s family in Los Altos. Talking with my bro-in-law yesterday […]

Dan Portnoy

[08] Dan Portnoy: Riding (and surviving) the cyclical nature of creativity

Dan Portnoy is a marketing “fixer.” Mostly, though not exclusively, applying his skills to the non-profit world, he’s the one you turn to when your plane’s going down—meaning your ad campaign is failing or a launch fell flat. He’s an expert in translating a compelling message into multiple channels of communication—not an easy feat. Over […]


Video: Energy Boost – Breathing for Sustained Focus

In my drive from Seattle back to home base in California, I listened to Tripp Lanier’s interview with Tony Schwartz on Tripp’s New Man podcast. (Me? No, I’m not a “New Man”.) The following video (shot at some random exit off of Highway 5) was inspired by that conversation. Before the video, I wanted to […]

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How energy management changed my conference experience

Do you have the kind of life that can’t afford you returning home from a conference exhausted? Whether from fun or straight up overload, there are practices you can take with you to minimize the negative impacts. I’m still coming down from the high that is the World Domination Summit (WDS)… After two years of […]


Video: ToDo List Strategies to Get More Done

Today’s video gets at your ToDo List–is it giving you the evil eye? Is there an item (…or three) that’s been on there waaaay too long? Shed those feelings of guilt or dread… let’s switch mindsets to see what’s really going on so you can start crossing items off with glee. You can watch the […]


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