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[08] Dan Portnoy: Riding (and surviving) the cyclical nature of creativity

Dan PortnoyDan Portnoy is a marketing “fixer.” Mostly, though not exclusively, applying his skills to the non-profit world, he’s the one you turn to when your plane’s going down—meaning your ad campaign is failing or a launch fell flat.

He’s an expert in translating a compelling message into multiple channels of communication—not an easy feat. Over the last decade, he’s honed his skills to become a successful:

  • Media and Campaign Strategist
  • Speaker
  • Trainer and Coach
  • Author
  • Award Winning Director and Producer

Success for Dan as a creative entrepreneur is rooted in knowing himself, owning and honoring his natural talents, and continuing to expand his repertoire of skills. And having coffee in the house.

In this episode of the Authentic Success podcast, host Shawn Tuttle talks with Dan about the cyclical nature of creativity and:

  • How asking What’s next? impacts your marketing messages and can change your personal energy if you’re in a lull.
  • How learning is critical for inspiration and forward movement.
  • How the power of story can turn negative to positive.
  • How to survive the lows in the cyclical nature of creativity.
  • How he plays to his own strengths and protects his creative time fiercely.

He also shares how he was able to write his first book quickly after several tortured months trying to mimic Ernest Hemingway’s M.O. and virtually chaining himself to a desk.

Oh, and don’t forget the coffee.

Enjoy this high-energy conversation that took place during the World Domination Summit 2014.



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Show note links for Dan Portnoy:

Also mentioned in this episode:


Music creditWhere all the colors of the world collide by Justin McRoberts


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